NEFW Spotlight: Pennsylvania Teacher Regrets Years of Union Membership |
posted by: Cindy Omlin | June 27, 2013, 05:54 PM |
Ms. Sandy Kinter was a Pennsylvania teacher for over 30 years. While she grew up in household suspect of union tactics, she couldn't deny the need for protection, so she joined. Now thirty years later, Sandy regrets this decision and is calling on her fellow educators to make informed decisions. At the onset of her membership, she started attending meetings and conventions. Soon after, Sandy began to resent the union's heavy involvement in politics, especially when she started receiving political brochures telling her who to vote for. "I want to make up my own mind, yet the union wants to send us a brochure saying who we should vote for," said Sandy. "I'm not illiterate. I can find out who I want to vote for." Sandy's story is a common one. Teacher know they need protection via professional educator liability insurance and legal services; however, non-partisan alternatives like AAE offer the protection a teacher needs but at a fraction of the cost. National Employee Freedom Week is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on all options for teachers. No educators should feel compelled to join a union and compromise their values for the sake of protection. Featuring a diverse and nonpartisan coalition of state-based and national organizations, National Employee Freedom Week empowers employees with information to make the decision about union membership that's best for them, including identifying non-union alternatives that better advance their profession. Check out the National Employee Freedom Week's website to learn about union membership in your state and how you can opt out. Join the movement and share your story!
Originally posted by Ruthie at AAE.
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