posted by: Cindy Omlin
| January 25, 2017, 07:54 PM
They say life has a way of changing your mind and challenging your assumptions. After years of teaching public education, two postgraduate degrees in education, and raising children, I was a vocal advocate for our local traditional schools.
Fast forward 10 years. I was teaching for the local school district and my children attended schools within that same district. After years of incredible growth and progress in elementary school, my youngest child was struggling. The situation required change.
I admitted that school choice was necessary if there was any hope that my child and would be academically successful. I came to terms with the fact that other avenues were just as viable and legitimate.
After four years of attending a public charter school, I am proud to say my daughter is thriving. These past four years have taught me that school choice is not about some arbitrary competition because traditional schools are “failing.” It is about all students succeeding.
That’s why I’m celebrating National School Choice Week with my teachers’ organization, Northwest Professional Educators (NWPE) and other students, teachers and parents. With robust school choices, we can meet the needs of all students. Isn’t that the true goal of education?
by Misty James, Published at the Idaho Statesman