Carol Scholz, the Idaho SDE Digitial Content Coordinator, reports that ""The second annual Digital Learning Day has gained momentum with ongoing activities, ideas, and collaboration opportunities. There is a growing wave of education champions who seek to engage students, celebrate and empower teachers, and create a healthy learning environment, personalized for every child."
The following NWPE members received 2nd place awards for Digital Learning Day video submissions. Their videos were posted on the State Department of Education website. They also received school classroom site visits/class celebrations/treats, a plaque, certificate and $1,000 classroom materials award.
- Annette Lutes, Special Education Teacher, Black Canyon High School, Emmett School District, Video Title: Dreams Do Come True "A Special Needs Teacher's Vision"
- Stephanie Van Orsow, Elementary Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Kidblog
- Valerie Mantle, Elementary Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Sketchbook Express Portraits
- Karie Yost, Elementary Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Prezi with the Idaho Forest
The following NWPE memberrs received honorable mention awards for their videos and received a mailed award, plaque, certificate, discovery prize bag, and IEN field trip.
- Brenda Paxton, High School Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Entrepreneurship Project: Entrepreneurship Student Description, Santiago Commercial, Cameron Nakishima
- Kelli Brown, High School Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Dance Meet iPad
- Jennifer Capell, Elementary Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: Using iMovie to Retell (Act) a Novel Called Rules
- Kendal Fleshman, Elementary Teacher, Idaho Arts Charter School, Video Title: StoryKit on the iPads
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your efforts to advance in teaching techniques to help your students achieve great success!