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Helpful Links for Math Teachers
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 15, 2012, 11:40 PM   

As we highlighted recently on the AAE blog, video clips and online resources are changing the face of education, particularly mathematics instruction. While states and districts struggle to keep up with new and emerging technologies, teachers can keep up-to-date with the help of some great online tools.

Currently, there are thousands of websites devoted to engaging students in math concepts. While the sheer number can be overwhelming, many are helpful in assisting math teachers create interactive and engaging lesson plans. Take a moment to review a few popular online tools and websites:

AAA Math: AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive lessons and worksheets. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of varied concepts. A wide range of lessons (Kindergarten through Eighth grade level) enables learning or review to occur at each individual's current level.

Brainstorm Math: This website features over 2000 free, online instructional math videos in all areas of secondary mathematics. This is the perfect site for teachers looking for video content to supplement their lessons.

Khan Academy
: With a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to finance and 315 practice exercises, Khan Academy is on a mission to help students learn what they want, when they want, at their own pace. All of the site's resources are free and available to anyone at any time. A new iPad application was even just released.

The Math Forum: This online community includes teachers, students, researchers, and parents who have an interest in math and math education. The site includes fun features like Ask Dr. Math, Problems of the Week, and discussion groups.

Contests and Projects:

MATHCOUNTS: Currently in their 29th year, MATHCOUNTS is one of the country's largest and most successful education contests involving volunteers, educators, and students. A competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement, MATHCOUNTS holds contests throughout the country. This is a great opportunity for middle school math teachers interested in starting a math club/team.

The Math League: The Math League, designed for students in fourth grade through high school, specializes in math contests, books and computer software. The "Help Facility" is a handy reference guide for math topics complete with examples, definitions and explanations. If you are looking for an after school math activity for students, this is a great place to start.

Are you a math teacher? Do you have any go-to resources to share?
Comment below.

Originally posted by Alix at AAE.

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