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Primary Sources, Google, and Edcanvas highlight the best resources of the month
posted by: Cindy Omlin | February 08, 2013, 11:00 PM   

As always, we’re rounding up the teacher resources we saw this past month that we like best.  Check out our picks below!

Primary Source Identification guides As non-fiction reading takes a higher role across the curriculum both English and Social Studies teachers will be incorporating more primary sources into their classes.  The Library of Congress provides free guides to help teachers and students explore a wide variety of sources.

Spanish American War Primary Source Set
Since you’re already practicing with the primary source guides, why not do it with the Library of Congresses newest primary source set?  This one is designed to help students explore the Spanish American war.

Google’s Search Education Page
Google launched its initiative to teach students how to use search when it realized that students aren’t being taught that skill.  Since most students use Google Search as their go-to when doing research, these resources, which include lesson plans and demonstrations, are an asset to any teacher trying to help their students through the research process.

Reading and book report apps from TechLearning
TechLearning created a list of great apps to help students with their book reports.  If you’re struggling with this, take a look.

This web 2.0 tool allows users to easily collect and organize resources from over the web and then to organize them into a presentation to share.

Originally posted by Melissa at AAE.

Tags: Teacher Resources


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