The Wrong Way to Implement the Common Core |
posted by: Cindy Omlin | May 10, 2013, 09:48 PM |
Unfortunately, there are plenty of cases where the standards are being implemented poorly. I've heard from teachers frustrated that administrators are calling for students to read books based on lexile, rather than parse true text complexity issues, and from others saying they are being handed a dictated curriculum. Of course, the most egregious example in recent memory was the recent testing snafus. The issue of bad implementation of CCSS has become such a large issue that recently Johnna Weller from Discovery Education addressed the issue on Cool Cat Teacher Blog. Dr. Weller pointed out many of the pitfalls that she saw districts taking and urged teachers to push for proper implementation. Among the pitfalls she noted was: • Not allowing for student or teacher creativity • Teaching only the standards • Relying too heavily on technology • Confusing complexity with difficulty, and • Focusing on curriculum more than instructional practice The article is full of good insights and the entire text can be read here.
Originally posted by Melissa at AAE.
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